Now that it’s really and truly November, it’s time to plan ahead for the coming year. I’ll be setting up my year in my bullet journal, taking some courses, and developing a challenge for this coming January called “The Freedom of Less.” If you have time, please go check it out and let me know what you think! How do you plan your year? I’d love to hear all about it! Continue reading →

Want Vs. Need Mentality in a World of Materialism
“It’s so cute!”
“It’s a perfect fit!”
“I need to upgrade.”
“Oh, I’m sure this will be useful.”
Or, if you’re me, “I really need a new book.”
These are all things we say to provide some slight alleviation of guilt as we shell out money for something we don’t REALLY need. We are surrounded by more than we need in almost every aspect of our lives, and yet we still fight the desire for more.
What is it that fuels this desire? Why are we so lost on this crazy cycle of discontent? Continue reading →

Welcome to the Freedom of Less
Last week, I talked a little about how clutter, disorganization, or just plain “too much” can be bad for your health. That post grew out of my own frustration with clutter and my own battle with overwhelm.
The past few days I’ve been sick. When I’m sick, I tend to get frustrated even more easily, plus it’s even harder to keep up with chores, so the house got dirty, work didn’t get done, and now I’m playing catch up on it all! The most difficult thing for me is the abundance of stuff that makes it hard to clean up quickly, or too many things on my plate so that when I get behind…It’s so hard to get back on track! Continue reading →

Death by Clutter
Have you ever looked around your house and thought, “Where did all that clutter come from?”
I sure have. Like most Americans, I have far more “stuff” than I need. Like, waaaaay more… Except for books. I definitely don’t have enough books yet.
Some days, it’s just too much. I come home from work and there are a bunch of items on the counter, the blankets and pillows are all piled on the couch in a tangle, the bed is a mess of laundry, and it seems like every horizontal surface has stuff on it. Not important stuff. Just stuff. Continue reading →

Welcome to Funtastic Friday!
Please join us in welcoming our newest party host, Cristy of the Happy Family Blog. We’re so happy to have her join the Funtastic Friday party bunch. Continue reading →
6 Tasty Ways to Style Your Zucchini
It is definitely Zucchini Season, as evidenced by the gigantic zucchini my cousin gave me a few days ago. Now, I’m searching for ways to use up this green monster. Continue reading →

My Favorite DIY Fall Decor
My favorite season is whichever one we happen to be in at the moment! I’m always excited for a new season to arrive, and really sad to see it go (except maybe Winter…). This means that while I’m really sad that summer is coming to an end, I am also looking forward to Fall. Fall decor is definitely my favorite. I love the bright, earthy colors, and the rich, warm tones. I love leaves and pumpkins and scarves. Continue reading →

Fresh Homemade Salsa
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Summer isn’t complete without fresh homemade salsa… in fact, I could literally live on homemade salsa. My hubby thinks I’m crazy because I will make a giant batch of salsa and eat The. Entire. Thing. All by myself. No sharing.

He’s ok with the no sharing part because he doesn’t like fresh salsa, mine or anyone else’s. However, he does think I’m nuts because I will eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For days.
So, just know that if I am sharing my salsa with you, it’s because I REALLY like you! Continue reading →

Getting Organized for Fall
Fall is almost here and with it a new season a new need for getting organized. Every time the season changes, I find myself looking for ways to make my life more organized, productive, and less stressful. Here are six ways to organize your life as fall approaches. Do you have some other ideas? Scroll down and add your link to this week’s Funtastic Friday Link Up! Continue reading →